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This is not about me.  This is about who I am because of the incredible opportunities that the arts gave me.  


The arts helped me further my education.  Being involved in the arts helped pay for my college tuition and my rent as a college student. 


I spent sixteen years studying classical vocal performance, and it gave me a talent to perform in the Miss Mississippi Scholarship Pageant. I was honored to have been chosen as 4th alternate, and I attribute much of that enormous success to my experiences in the arts. (The talent portion is worth 35% of the overall score.)


The arts have given me so many friends. I have gained some of my most wonderfully deep friendships through my involvement in showchoir, concert choir, and band.  Music and the arts have given me my social life.  That is where we learned who we were. 


This year, my focus is on my alma mater, Oak Grove High School, and their choral department. My niche, my love, my everything in high school was this department. I am challenging myself to raise as much money as possible this fiscal year in order to pay for their costumes and competition fees for 2015. I urge each of you to be involved in my fundraising this year!


Arts Education programs are what guided me into who I am.  I know this is true for millions of others.


Not to mention, everyone can benefit from being involved in the arts.


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